Saturday, July 18, 2009

Beauty at it's best

The ever majestic poppy.

the white echinacea

Love these cute little vases I found.

the sea holly is doing much better this year.

My candle globe that looks amazing at night, real sparkly.

Basil at it's best.

can't you just smell that cilantro.

Calendula in full bloom. Love the rain drops on the petals.

The ever amazing bee balm. The petals remind me of delicate feathers.

Love this color. Someday I am going to paint a wall in my bedroom this color.

Birthday packages ready for pickup.

Today was one of those days, in which many jobs were on the go. The laundry was hung out in between the showers, as was the gardening. I did some painting under the carport. When it got cold I was in the house making sugar scrubs. I went from one job to another depending on what was happening with this very bizzare weather. I manage to get the pool cleaned and lawn cut before the off and on all day rain got here. I guess it was a very successful day, I am determine not to let this weather get to me to bad. I am going with the flow. The best part was that all jobs were accomplished.......

off to the market tomorrow.
Have a great adventure,


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