the basil is abundant and ready for some pesto.

The bee balm has so many bees, it is a real show.
Raspberries ripe for the picking.
The pears coming along nicely, should get a nice crop this year.
The glorious sunflowers. Majestic beauties.
Delicious zucchini blossoms. Lightly steamed, Stuffed with peppered goat cheese, drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice. Oh yea, delicious.
September will bring grapes in abundance, sweet and juicy.
And i love to wake in the morning with coffee in hand and greet the day with these lovely flowers. The color gets me every year. I am determined to paint one wall in my bedroom this shade. Every day would be a morning glory!!
My wagon full of goodies. Right at the kitchen door.
Tomatoes to go with the fresh basil and oregano, and of coarse the cilantro.
I love summer.
live, love, laugh,
AND you will
always feel good.
to be continued,